Listen to Me
Listen to Me / Escuchame
Guillermo Giampietro, Italy, 2022, 55’
An experimental film born out of activism dedicated to overcoming the prejudices that weigh on what is usually interpreted as madness.
Radio Fragola Gorizia and Inglobante Universale are two artistic collectives made up of “crazy people”, “artists”, “actors”, philosophers, “poets”, who work in the field of mental health. Following the process of institutionalization of cultural and health political practices started in the 1960s by Franco Basaglia in Gorizia and Trieste, they propose themselves as promoters of activism, of creative and productive training experiences to overcome prejudices and stigmas that weigh on what is commonly interpreted as madness or mental and social malaise.
From this meeting, the video-film “Escuchame” was born. It is a hybrid in which multiple experimental techniques and practices are found in a journey that includes more than twenty years of radio recordings of the program of the same name. They are transported by video and audio sequences created in different times and scenarios, by the different interpreters of both groups. These free associations generated in distinct times and spaces create a plot that spans from apparent reality to dreams, from poetry to denunciation, from science to the absurd. The result is perhaps that of participating in a journey without beginning or end, listening to the radio in the car through dreams and landscapes, experimenting with other forms of perception and production.
Guillermo Giampietro
Guillermo Giampetro and Pavel Berdon will join us after the screening for a Q&A.
Date: 09. June 2024
Time: 13:00
Program category: Films and Guests
Section category: Signals